and benefit from opportunities to participate in business events that attract local players in the employment and social inclusion sectors
optimize your search and find your employees, while remaining inclusive
with the experimental program Zero Long-term Unemployment
Montpellier is committed to a proactive policy in support of employment and professional inclusion.
The goal is to bring talented people together with the companies that create value, wealth, and jobs locally. Our challenge is clear: to encourage the development of activities and companies that strive for all-around performance.
This is why we continually take action by organizing regular business gatherings, forging partnerships with major employment stakeholders, and expanding opportunities to put you in direct contact with the right resources to best satisfy your recruitment needs.
Du dépôt d’une offre à la sélection de candidats, la nouvelle plateforme de Pôle Emploi permet de faire matcher vos besoins avec les compétences du territoire.
La MLJ3M vous accompagne pour recruter des jeunes de moins de 26 ans et assure un suivi des jeunes pour sécuriser votre recrutement.
Cap Emploi Hérault vous accompagne pour recruter et maintenir dans l’emploi les personnes en situation de handicap.
Vous recherchez un cadre ? Bénéficiez d'un accompagnement et déposez vos offres d'emploi cadres sur la plateforme pour trouver le profil qui correspond à votre besoin.
Vous êtes adhérent de Digital 113 ? Diffusez vos offres d’emploi sur la plateforme dédiée.
CLICK AND RECRUIT... how to diversify your sourcing!
Let’s talk about impact
Creating jobs in the Montpellier area is a way to include local residents.
By adopting a proactive approach to recruiting people from priority urban neighborhoods, people with disabilities, refugees/new arrivals, or promoting gender equality, you not only meet your company’s growth needs, but you also give skilled people access to jobs.