- Self-assessment of the impact France initiative: discover your Impact Score for a 360° portrait of your organization's impact. To help you fill in the information, you can attend the monthly webinar “Obtain your Impact Score: your 360° questions”.
Note: as of April 2023, completion of the Impact Score questionnaire is mandatory in order to qualify for funding provided by the Occitanie Region. - The Flash Lucie audit provides a self-assessment tool for your level of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) maturity.
- AFNOR’s Online CSR Diag: 22 questions to identify the key criteria for implementing a credible CSR approach. Based on the ISO 26000 standard, the Online CSR Diag tool is an entirely online tool that enables you to obtain an initial rating of your company’s CSR practices.
- Valor’ESS: developed by the Union of Employers in the Social and Solidarity Economy (Union des Employeurs de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire, UDES), the Valor’ESS platform provides SSE companies with the tools and support they need to take their first steps towards measuring their social and environmental impacts.
- Diag-ecoflux: simple actions relating to energy, materials, water, and waste flows to quickly achieve savings and reduce the environmental impact of facilities with 20 to 250 employees.
- Professional equality index: all companies with at least 50 employees are required to calculate and publish their professional gender equality index every year. Discover an online simulator-calculator, as well as a free support service offered by the French government to help you with this process.
- The Association for Low-Carbon Transition: (ABC, l’Association pour la Transition Bas Carbone): created in 2011 by ADEME and APCC, ABC raises awareness, provides training, and offers concrete action resources to help organizations and private individuals make their low-carbon transition a success. Thanks to the Bilan Carbone®+ method for carbon assessment, users are guided through the greenhouse gas emissions calculation phase via a software and web platform that overcomes the constraints associated with the use of spreadsheets.
The association also indicates which carbon accounting tools are in compliance with the Bilan Carbone® method.
Social and environmental transition stakeholders in the Occitanie region
Find out more about the regional range of support and funding available for social and ecological transformation.
Map of stakeholders involved with the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE)
Visit the CRESS Occitanie website to find out more about SSE funding structures and programs.
De la RSE à l’impact : quel chemin pour mon entreprise ?
Dans ce guide élaboré par FACE Hérault et la CPME de l'Hérault, vous retrouverez un questionnaire, des conseils, des outils, un lexique RSE et des contacts utiles pour concrétiser votre engagement RSE
Are you ready for your corporate commitments to be recognized? Many general and sector-specific certifications are available. The choice is yours!

Examples of certifications:
- Engagé RSE (AFNOR Certification for CSR engagement)
- Lucie 26000 label (Agence LUCIE)
- PME + label (certfication by the Federation of Companies and Entrepreneurs in France – Fédération des entreprises et entrepreneurs de France)
- BCorp label (BCorp association)
- Numérique Responsable label (Agence Lucie, for Responsible Digital activities)
[1] 13% increase in the performance of companies that have implemented CSR practices compared with those that have not (Source: France Stratégie, 2016)
[2] 76% of the young people surveyed place societal commitment above salary as a job requirement (Source: L’association le Mouvement Impact France)
[3] 61% of the French people surveyed believe that companies are in the best position to promote social and environmental progress (BVA group for TBWA\Corporate, 2020)