Information about the publisher
Publisher: “Entreprendre à Montpellier”, “Montpellier BIC”, and “MedVallée” are websites of the Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole Pôle Attractivité, Développement Économique, Emploi de Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole (Attractiveness, Economic Development, and Employment Department) - 50, place Zeus - CS 39556 - 34961 MONTPELLIER, France Cedex 2 – +33 (0)4 67 13 60 00 -
Publication director: Michaël Delafosse
Design and production: Web design by WONDERFUL and development by DROPTEAM using DRUPAL 10 for Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole.
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Translations: COMMTEXT for Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole
Photos: : Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole.
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- In application of the law of March 11, 1957 (Art. 41) and the intellectual property code of July 1, 1992, any reproduction in part or in whole of the contents of these sites for collective use is strictly forbidden without the express written authorization of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole.
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For external contributions to event organization, please refer to the current regulations on the French National Health Agency (Agence Régionale de la Santé) website.