The site “Entreprendre à Montpellier” (Entrepreneurship in Montpellier) is made for you as an economic stakeholder. This includes entrepreneurs, artisans, shopkeepers, CSR managers, tourism professionals, wine and wine tourism professionals, event organizers, business startups and people with innovative projects, whether or not you are already established in the Montpellier Métropole area.
The Entreprendre à Montpellier website presents the strengths of the greater Montpellier area and the business services offered by Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole. Our comprehensive range of services is dedicated to helping you accelerate and succeed with your business projects.
One way for you to find the answers to your questions more easily is to check the site map, and also to use one or more keywords when searching. Here are some useful keywords, sorted by category:
Business sectors: aerospace, food, crafts, commerce, design, environment, SSE, social and solidarity economy, CSR, corporate social responsibility, CCI (cultural and creative industries), wine, label, agriculture-agronomy, agroecology, tourism, digital, health, education, training, industry, transport, renewable energies
Strategic issues for Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole: MedVallée, global health, agri-food and agriculture policy, Cap 2030
Hosting structures and locations: Montpellier BIC, Halle de l’Innovation (Innovation Hall), Cap Alpha, Biopôle Euromédecine, Cité Créative, Cambacérès, VEAS, Village d’Entreprises Artisanales et de Service (Artisan and Service Business Village), Halle Tropisme, MIN (Market of National Interest), Lauze, Garosud, Millénaire, Eurêka
Business tourism: Corum, Bureau des Congrès (Conference Office), Montpellier Events, Parc des Expositions, Arena
CSR: Montpellier Impact, Metropolitan Social Clause Platform
You can reach the contacts identified on each page directly, or click on "contact us" at the top right of our site.
All you have to do is subscribe to the Entreprendre à Montpellier business newsletter. You will find the registration form at the bottom of the home page.
Yes, by sending us your proposed submissions along with good-quality images. You will find the registration form at the bottom of the home page.
By checking the site dedicated to Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole’s public procurement contracts at this address. You will need to create an account when you connect for the first time.
This page has the information you are looking for: SET UP YOUR BUSINESS
Start by visiting the Montpellier BIC website, dedicated to innovative projects.
Please contact: manifestations.commerciales@ville-montpellier.fr
We recommend that you check the l'agenda regularly.
Please contact: manifestations.commerciales@ville-montpellier.fr