The Montpellier Métropole area is a thriving hub for innovation and the pursuit of knowledge, notably as a result of the presence of a number of key players in higher education and research. Here are some of the region’s main players.
1. University of Montpellier
University of Montpellier (UM) is a pillar of higher education and research in the Occitanie region. It is rated as one of the world’s top universities, as demonstrated by the prestigious Shanghai ranking, where UM holds second position in the field of ecology. Accredited as a University Innovation Cluster, UM promotes and fast-tracks the use of research results, stimulates startup business creation, fosters innovation in SMEs, and enhances the attractiveness of the greater Montpellier area to outside companies. University of Montpellier is one of the main driving forces behind the I-SITE Excellence Program (formerly MUSE, Montpellier University of Excellence), which seeks to forge a university with an international reputation for its impact in the fields of health, agriculture, and the environment.

2. Paul Valéry University Montpellier 3
Paul Valéry University Montpellier 3 is a higher education and research establishment specializing in the humanities, arts, languages, and social sciences. The university has earned the “dd&rs” label for Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility and plays a key role in promoting the humanities and arts in Montpellier, particularly in terms of supporting the development of the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) through the MIRANDA Institute. Paul Valéry University also demonstrates its strong commitment to socially responsible and sustainable higher education and research.

3. Institut Agro Montpellier
Institut Agro Montpellier is a higher education and research establishment specializing in the fields of food, agriculture, the environment, and landscapes. The institute works closely with research organizations, universities, other "grandes écoles" higher education establishments, and public and private socio-economic players in France and around the world.
Having merged the teams of Montpellier SupAgro and Agrocampus Ouest in 2020, Institut Agro Montpellier continues to provide even greater support to players in the agricultural and food sectors as they pursue agro-ecological, food, digital, and climate-related transitions, notably through its contributions in terms of training, research, innovation, and support for technical education in agriculture.

4. CNRS – National Center for Scientific Research
The French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) plays an integral role for scientific research in the greater Montpellier area, with an ever-growing number of scientific collaborations. While the CNRS is involved with nearly every scientific field, its East Occitanie division based in Montpellier is particularly strong in the biological sciences, ecology & environment, and chemistry. The local group comprises 55 operational research and service organizations (excluding research consortia). At least 131 startups have emerged from or are backed by its laboratories.

5. CIRAD – International Cooperation Center for Agronomic Research and Development
CIRAD is the French agricultural research organization specializing in sustainable development for tropical and Mediterranean regions. Based in Montpellier, CIRAD conducts joint research and international activities in over a hundred countries. The organization is a key player in agronomic research and international cooperation.

6. IRD – Research Institute for Development
The Research Institute for Development is an internationally recognized multidisciplinary organization that works mainly in partnership with developing countries and in the French overseas territories. As a player in the international development space, IRD’s priorities are aligned with the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
7.7. INRAE – National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment
INRAE is a French research institute specializing in agriculture, food, the environment, and climate change issues. Its cutting-edge work in these fields is fundamental for sustainable development and the agriculture of tomorrow. In the Montpellier Métropole area, INRAE is responsible for #DigitAG, the only Convergence Institute in France dedicated to digital agriculture.
8. INSERM – National Institute of Health and Medical Research
INSERM is one of the leading medical research institutes in France. Its researchers are dedicated to discovering breakthroughs in health and medicine. INSERM plays a key role in Montpellier’s medical research. For example, in the Montpellier metropolitan area, INSERM works with University of Montpellier and the Montpellier University Hospital Center (CHU) to run Cyborg, an incubator for biotech start-ups.
9. Montpellier University Hospital Center (CHU)
The Montpellier University Hospital Center (CHU) is one of France’s leading healthcare establishments, well recognized for its commitment to medical innovation. Two examples, among many others, illustrate the hospital’s dedication to innovation: the CHU established an “Innovation Extractor”, an agile structure designed to offer proactive assistance to staff members with ideas likely to help improve patient care; and the hospital was one of the first, perhaps even the first, to acquire equity stakes in MedXCell, a startup based at the hospital. The CHU’s pioneering approach makes it one of the key players in the greater Montpellier area’s healthcare ecosystem.