Renewable energies now have their own cluster in the Montpellier Métropole area

Announced on December 12 at the Energaïa exhibition, the creation of a renewable energies cluster confirms the importance of this strategic sector in the Montpellier metropolitan area, where it attracts national and European players and represents over 4,500 jobs.

Renowned for the excellence of it healthagri-fooddigital, and Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) sectors, Montpellier offers another asset to meet the challenges of decarbonization, which are also global: its particularly extensive and highly diverse renewable energy ecosystem. 

This is why Montpellier Métropole decided to set up a dedicated renewable energy cluster. The announcement was made on December 12 at the booth shared with Altemed at Energaïa, the renewable energy forum organized by the Occitanie Region

“We have a role to play, with 4,500 jobs related to renewable energy, and major companies based in our area,” explained Michaël Delafosse, Mayor of Montpellier and President of Montpellier Métropole. “What’s more, the Occitanie region is aiming to become the first positive energy region in Europe by 2050.”

The creation of a renewable energy cluster is inspired by the collaborative method that Montpellier Métropole had established with stakeholders in the health, agri-food, and environmental sectors to jointly build MedVallée, a world-class excellence hub in global health. 

The first “Rencontres EnR” (Renewable Energy Forum) was held in June at Montpellier’s Halle de l’Innovation facility, attended by 150 professionals in the field. In the Fall of 2024, three working groups analyzed the expectations and needs of local stakeholders. A questionnaire was sent to 170 companies and a series of theme-based meetings were organized.

With this first stage completed successfully, the cluster is now entering an acceleration phase. Located in the Halle de l’Innovation building, it will be organized around six working groups focused on three clearly defined themes: supporting training and skill development to meet the needs of businesses; enhancing Montpellier’s attractiveness for talent and investors; and stimulating innovation to develop solutions that meet the challenges of climate change.

The working groups will develop four to six concrete initiatives to be implemented starting in 2025. The second “Rencontres des EnR” event will be held later in the year, at which time the detailed project and name of the new cluster will be presented.

Renewable energy professionals, many of whom were present for the announcement, praised the proactive approach taken by Montpellier Métropole. “Thank you for launching this joint initiative,” said Isabelle Martin, regional representative for EDF Occitanie and president of Clean Tech Vallée

“You have our full support. Tomorrow, the Montpellier area will also be known for its renewable energy ecosystem,” added Jean-Jacques Bascoul, the regional delegate in Occitanie for the Engie group, which recently established its Engie Green teams (230 people) in the Cambacérès district.

“Thank you for your support in favor of floating wind power, which makes Montpellier a beautiful hub with an ideal location for development,” continued Isabelle Bardin, the Occitanie representative of Pôle Mer Méditerranée.